ABout the Panzergrenadier

304 Living History Group

The Panzergrenadier 304 Living History Group was formed all the way back in 2013 in the South West of England. From its start our group have striven for a strong command structure and true authenticity in everything that we do, the group has gained a reputation for authenticity and a true representation of the German Panzergrenadier. We’re keen to find and recruit people from around the country who have the same level of commitment to authenticity and to the preservation of WW2 history.

Joining the 304 takes commitment and willingness to learn but with that you get a true insight into living history as it should be, as well a chance to attend some of the best events around and work with many other fantastic groups from around the country. As well as this, you will get to have great experiences and camaraderie which you will struggle to find in any other hobby!

Who We work with


They are an association of like minded hobbyists and militaria collectors whose prime aim is to preserve and display the weapons, equipment and personal items of the armies that operated in North West Europe during the second world war. They also remember the individual soldiers who fought during the second world war through the mediums of:

– living history displays

– educational presentations to schools

– public battle re-enactments

– private tactical training events

The World War Two Living History Association provides a portal for it’s members to do this in a safe, professional, legal and respectful manner. One of their primary aims is to represent the combatant and non-combatant personnel in the most correct manner possible through dress and behaviours, so as to act as a living memorial to them. As they pursue these aims, they do not allow any political involvement to enter their actions.



“The home for Second World War reenactors in South West England and South Wales”. Whether you are an independent reenactor or a member of a specific unit within the south west the purpose of this site and the associated member’s forum is to link together all serious and authentic Second World War reenactors, in order that we can share experience, knowledge and the enjoyment of our hobby.


want to join?